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Celebrating Mabel Jimenez’s 15-Year Anniversary at Eastern Funding

Mabel Jimenez

We’re celebrating Mabel Jimenez’s 15-year anniversary at Eastern Funding. Mabel’s journey with Eastern Funding first started in 2002 as a Credit Analyst, but due to her hard work and dedication, she quickly moved up the ladder and became a Senior Loan Officer.

In this interview, Mabel shares her history with Eastern Funding and what has led her to succeed.

1.) Why did you decide to work for Eastern Funding? And what keeps you going?

  • “I decided to work for Eastern Funding because of the company’s culture. At my old job I felt stuck, like I’d never be able to move up. The people also weren’t like they are here. Everyone is reasonable at Eastern. This is the main reason I enjoy working for this company and choose to stay. I know it’ll be hard to find the accommodations I have here anywhere else.”

2.) What were some of the biggest challenges you had to face or still face today working at Eastern Funding? And how do/did you deal with them?

  • “Something that’s always been a challenge for me is insuring that our customers receive the best service they can get. I deal with a lot of customers and to successfully deliver to them you have to earn their trust and be patient. I gain their trust by going to meet them and simply being their friend before anything else. I always show them how our service will benefit them in the end and they really appreciate that.”

3.) What makes you great at your job? Why do customers come to you or continue doing business with you? 

  • “I believe what makes me great at my job is my honesty and loyalty. I don’t just express this behavior with my customers but also with my co-workers. I’m always straight up with people and do my best to make sure they’re taken care of. This is why I believe customers keep coming to me and continue doing business with me.”

Mabel’s 15th Anniversary Party

Congratulations Mabel!