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Why Wi-Fi is a must in your laundromat

What’s one of the most effective ways to attract customers to your business? No, it’s not speedy service or low prices – it is free Wi-Fi.

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Why WiFi is a must in your laundromat

Wi-fi access is one of the biggest selling points for customers today, especially in the laundry industry. Think about it – your clientele are loading up your machines and then waiting. Providing them a free, easy way to hop online could be the all the motivation they need to swing by your store instead of a competitor.

Survey says customers love Wi-Fi
If you’re looking for more reasons why Wi-Fi is important for your business, look no further than a recent survey conducted by Bredin Research and sponsored by Comcast Business.

The survey, which polled a number of Main-Street style businesses, found that Wi-Fi is just as beneficial in-store as magazines, candy or water. Furthermore, 79 percent of the businesses surveyed noted that Wi-Fi brought in more customers and kept them happier while they waited. Another 65 percent attributed repeat business to Wi-Fi.

Free Internet is also beneficial for your business because it can:

  • Increase your brand awareness
  • Help you remain competitive
  • Improve hospitality

“Given the challenges that small businesses face in today’s uncertain economy, we are encouraged that technologies like Wi-Fi will help sustain growth.” explained Bill Stemper, president of Comcast Business.

Wi-Fi is free advertising
Another key reason why Wi-Fi is a smart move for your business is because of advertising. If you are looking for a cost-effective way to promote your business, simply offering free Internet in your laundromat could be the solution.

For example, many businesses that offer Wi-Fi sync the Internet with social media, according to the IT Pro Portal. Users would have to log in using their social media accounts, like Facebook. Doing so would give your business an instant “like.”

In addition, offering Wi-Fi is also a way to encourage customer-generated advertising. This perk is likely to create some favorable relationships, and those customers could easily spread the word on social media. That doesn’t factor in the instant “like” if you link social media to your Wi-Fi. Many social media sites, like Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare, have location features as well. This means a user who posts from your laundromat will have your business name appear on their post.

Wi-Fi is free information
IT Pro Portal noted one other way that Wi-Fi is important for your business: information. Allowing users to log on to your Internet while doing their laundry means they provide instant data that you can use.

For instance, their log-on time will tell you when they entered your store to do laundry. As a result, you can track your peak business hours and learn if you need to adjust your operations accordingly. Next, this data will tell you how long customers stayed in your store. No consumer behavior information is bad information, and you can benefit from knowing what people are doing inside your laundromat.

Wi-Fi gives back to your customers
A little customer appreciation can go a long way. With Wi-Fi in your stores, you have a speedy, effective strategy to show you care about your customers, all in a way that has a solid return on investment.

Look back to the Comcast Business survey – customers wanted Wi-Fi more than they wanted candy. That’s a pretty serious statement, and it speaks to the popularity and prominence of the Internet. Having a way to stay connected is a great way to remain productive, and it can turn an hour or two at the laundromat into a much more enjoyable experience.

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